Our Six Pillar Sustainability Plan
At Tamboran, we recognise that operating sustainably is not only relevant to how we impact the environment and local communities but is also vital to generating long term value for all our stakeholders.
Sustainability is central to our corporate strategy and we have developed a six-pillar sustainability plan to define ambitions, set action plans and track performance.
Download our Sustainability PlanOur Sustainability Development Goals.
Tamboran takes its social licence seriously. Our Sustainability Plan focuses on 8 key United Nation Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). These best align with our ESG risks and core business activities.
Good health
and well-being
Ensure health lives & promote well-being for all at all ages
on Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, sustainably manage forests, halt & reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Affordable and
clean energy
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Industry, innovationand infrastructure
9Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive & sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
Decent work and
Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Partnerships for the goals
17Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.

Attracting, developing and retaining a diverse, inclusive, and competent workforce.
We intend to attract, develop and retain a diverse, inclusive and competent workforce. Through effective people management we will ensure that we have the right capabilities across the organisation to deliver the best results for all our stakeholders.
We will build a talent pipeline with a commitment to diversity and inclusion and support career development. We are committed to providing opportunities for all our people to learn and develop their capabilities as well as building a meritocratic culture that recognises individual and team achievements.
Tamboran is committed to workplace diversity and inclusion at all levels of the company regardless of gender, marital or family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disabilities, ethnicity, religious beliefs, cultural background, socio-economic background, perspective and experience. Our Diversity Policy reflects the company’s values of performance and respect.
Our Diversity Policy sets out our approach to diversity with respect to appointments to the Board and the promotion or hiring of individuals as executive officers or into other senior management positions. We aspire to achieve a Board and executive composition where an equal proportion of the members are comprised of women. We will continue to ensure that the best candidates have equal opportunity to contribute their unique talents and skill-sets to our team.
Health and Safety
Putting the health and safety of our people first.
Tamboran puts the health and safety of our people, contractors and community first through effective systems, culture, and secure operations.
Safety is a core value for Tamboran. We care deeply about keeping our people and the communities in which we operate safe. Our ability to build world-class gas facilities and provide a safe workplace for our employees and contractors is essential for Tamboran’s long-term sustainability.
Tamboran’s Occupational Health & Safety Policy states that the Company will develop and follow standards that meet or exceed regulations, laws and industry best practices. The Company strives for Zero Harm across all its operations. The Policy is clear that safety and health are a fundamental responsibility for not only the senior management of the Company, but also the Board.
All contractors will be made aware of our policies and procedures and be required to comply with them. Service Agreements will be put in place with only those contractors who meet our qualifications. Contractor performance will be regularly monitored and corrective actions will be taken as appropriate to address any incidents and help prevent future occurrences.
Tamboran will seek to achieve industry-leading total recordable incident rates (TRIR) in its seismic and drilling programs. Tamboran is committed to training 100% of our employees and contractors on Tamboran’s:
- Code of Ethics
- Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Policy
- Risk Management Policy and Charter
We’re applying leading technologies to minimise our environmental impacts.
Applying leading drilling technologies to promote efficiency and minimise environmental impacts. We are committed to meeting or exceeding environmental performance requirements outlined in permits and legislation.
As a gas company in the exploration/appraisal phase, we are acutely aware of our duty to preserve and protect the local environment and biodiversity, and of the opportunity for us to embed leading environmental practices into any future developments.
We will also work with our host communities to better understand the local operating environment, as well as set concrete targets to encourage continuous improvement and mitigate against environmental risks.
Economic Sustainability
Generating economic growth and value for our investors, employees, customers and communities.
We aim to implement sustainable business practices to generate economic growth and value for our investors, employees, customers and communities.
We will do this through the development of low CO2 natural gas resources in the Beetaloo Sub-basin and supply to both Australian and international markets. This will enable us to build a sustainable cash flow focused business that benefits the local community through the creation of jobs as well as generation of strong returns for shareholders.
Partnering with our local and host communities to share value through the creation of local jobs and business opportunities.
Tamboran aspires to be the partner of choice of local communities, and we are committed to developing and maintaining a positive relationship with our local and host communities, indigenous peoples and representative groups where we operate. We recognise that our operations have a direct impact on local communities, and our presence must form a net social, cultural and economic benefit for our hosts. This covers the preservation of cultural and indigenous heritage areas, conservation of flora and fauna, and protection of current and future land use.
To meet these commitments, Tamboran will engage regularly, openly and honestly with people and organisations affected by our operations – ensuring that these stakeholders are aware of our planned operations, the potential impacts of our operations, as well as environmental protection measures.
Working in partnership with the traditional owners of lands where we operate, we will ensure the protection of culturally significant and important sites in line with our Australian Indigenous and Local Community Policy. Before any drilling commences, we will work with archaeologists, governments, indigenous partners and other experts to understand the impact our operations may have on heritage sites. We will work to preserve the land and take remedial and mitigative action where necessary. We will also ensure that employees, contractors, service providers and site visitors are educated as to the area or site-specific conditions allowing Tamboran to be operating at that site.
We will actively encourage community participation in our operations to foster economic empowerment in our host communities. To that end, Tamboran is committed to employing local contractors and service providers to support our operations and promote socioeconomic strength.
Climate Change
We are committed to integrating renewable energy and carbon offsets into any development.
Tamboran is playing an effective role in the transition to a lower carbon economy through the production of low CO2 natural gas resources. We are committed to integrating renewable energy, CCS and carbon offsets into any development with the objective of becoming a net zero carbon emissions gas producer for our equity share of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions when the Company initiates commercial sales of natural gas.
Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our time that requires the collective action of businesses, governments and communities throughout the world. Tamboran accepts the scientific consensus on climate change and supports the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting the rise in global temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels. Tamboran is committed to playing a constructive role in the energy transition, while at the same time helping to ensure energy security, by becoming a net zero carbon emissions producer of affordable and reliable gas.
As we expand our operations, we are committed to reporting on the risks and opportunities associated with climate change using the framework approved by the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).